VITA-LIFE Headquarters Velden / Wörthersee (A)
+43 4274 4499 (08:30 - 12:00)

Customer Experiences

Here enthusiastic users of the VITA-LIFE systems report their successes with their "customer voices"!

Customer Experiences

Here you will find experiences and feedback on VITA-LIFE and / or our products, which are directly from our customers.

For inquiries and communications to VITA-LIFE, please use our contact form.

By Heinrich Noldes Heimanwendung

Nachsorge nach einer OP

Was war geschehen. Die junge Frau musste sich einer totalen Unterleibs – OP
unterziehen. Danach war die Öffnung direkt geschlossen worden. Dann hatte sich
Blut im Wundbereich gesammelt und es führte zu einer Entzündung und...

Read more

Get in contact with the VITA-LIFE headquarters Europe!

If you have any requests or questions about VITA-LIFE and our products wich you were not able to find answers in the frequently asked questions above? Don´t hesitate to get in contact with us. Just fill out the form with your contact-details and your message or request and we will reply as soon as possible.

Your data entered into the form will be stored electronically and processed and used for the purpose of processing your purchase request and for establishing contact.
If necessary, we will forward your request to a VITA-LIFE distributor in your area. (For this reason, we also ask for your name, your postal code and country of residence.)
Further information can be found in our privacy policy.